The Trump Way: Public Retaliations, Not Public Relations
Donald Trump knows, I’d argue better than anyone, how to leverage the wedge that exists in American culture.
… to faithfully execute (as in kill) the notion of ‘presidential’ …
Back in my newspaper days, I would harangue reporters who worked for me that beginning a story or column with a dictionary definition was the height of lazy, uninspired writing. I still believe that fervently, which is why I'm blathering on in this first paragraph so...
#TBT: The Two Best Weapons to Change Negative Perceptions
If you have cause to do public relations, you're somebody who does stuff intended for public consumption. That means some of those who consume your stuff aren't going to like you. It's the nature, an unavoidable byproduct, of stuff-doing. One of the purposes of PR is...
What the Election Pundits Got Right
Lots of words are being spent, and will continue to be over the next several days and weeks, about the surprising results of the presidential election. Amid all the analysis I've seen so far, though, one thing has really impressed me. A few of the pundits who...
The Real Problem with Adjectives
Adjectives can get a bad rap. Folks who fancy themselves as austere with a pen or keyboard as Hemingway overargue that the best writing comes from nouns and verbs, not adjectives and adverbs. That is generally true, of course, but only in the same way that home runs...
This Post Has Nothing to Do With Better Communication, But …
I voted today. I hope you do, too. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. I'm not going to tell you who not to vote for. Not even in that artificially earnest way that asks you to consider your values or uses keywords tied to real or perceived or prognosticated...
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