PR is Truly a Matter of Biblical Proportions
You may know Moses from Sunday school, or from Michelangelo’s brilliant painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (one of the most familiar masterpieces of the art world), or as Charlton Heston with a skunk stripe in his hair and supposedly stone tablets in his...

The 3 Ws: Don’t Do an Interview Without ‘Em
I've done hundreds of interviews in my professional life (and at least one in my personal life, when I actually took a day off of my job as a media spokesperson to mail Christmas gifts to family on the busiest shipping day of the year, and a local TV station nabbed me...

$#!+ is Survivable
I've been having an unusually elevated number of conversations of late about crises and how you manage them from a PR/communications standpoint. I devoted an entire chapter in my book, BITE THE DOG: Build a PR Strategy to Make News That Matters, to stories and tips on...

Claims of ‘Fake News’ Have Made the Media Rocky Balboa
I got interviewed the other day by OneNewsNow about a new Gallup Poll that found a third of Americans view the news media as "favorable" or "very favorable" -- the highest that number has been since the aftermath of Watergate. You can read the story and my comments...

Wait. How Much More Valuable is PR Than Advertising?!?
I never get tired, when I'm being interviewed about my book BITE THE DOG: Build a PR Strategy to Make News That Matters, of dropping a fact that surprised even me when I ran across it doing my research. As I wrote in Chapter 1: A 2014 study by Nielsen on the role of...

Aftermath of An Apology
In doing some research for a call with a potential client today, I ran across news coverage of Louis C.K. returning to the spotlight this week with a short stand-up routine at a New York comedy club. A comedian telling jokes is news in this case because, you...
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