Never Let Them See You Sweat
You may remember, if you're of a certain vintage, the promotional slogan "Never Let Them See You Sweat." It was an incredibly effective marketing earworm for Dry Idea anti-perspirant from the mid-'80s to mid-'90s, popularized in part by a string of commercials...

So You Think You Know What Fake News is, Huh?
Lest you think as our president and millions of others who both oppose and support him do, that all news you disagree with is “fake,” I cobbled together a handy chart in my book Bite the Dog: Build a PR Strategy to Make News That Matters to help you diagnose the kinds...

When Silence Works, and Wins, In Interviews and Life
I tell clients, when training them early on in the art of being interviewed by the media, that one of the best tools in their rhetorical belt is silence. Control it, I say, and you control the interview and, broader, the argument -- in the forensics sense. That's...

The No-Spin Zone … No, Really
I detest the word “spin.” It is used, lazily and glibly, to paint as inaccurate and/or insincere statements made by public-relations professionals like me or authors, experts, speakers, coaches and consultants like my clients. Is it a tactic some in those above groups...

Message Before Metaphor
I will plead guilty to loving my own arrangement of words into sentences a little too much sometimes. I can, for example, still remember, verbatim, what I consider the best lede I ever wrote in my reporting career -- from a story published back in the early '90s. I've...

PR or PF? What Are We Practicing, Anyway?
(And Why Didn’t I Put This in My Book?)
I just finished a fun and thorough interview about my book for the Eternal Leadership Podcast, and right at the end I was asked to offer tips to authors, experts, speakers, coaches and consultants about how to get that first bit of news coverage for their products or...
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